“What, bedsides wine can help you though the stress of the holiday?”
Paula Shaw, CADC, DCEP
Presented December 1, 2016: 6:30-7:30
Let’s face it, the holidays do offer the opportunity for a joyous family time, but they are also exhausting and filled with gatherings that offer fertile soil for the revival of family drama, eating all the wrong foods, drinking too much alcohol and not getting enough sleep. And heaven help you if you have suffered some kind of loss and you are in emotional pain at this time of the year.
PAULA SHAW, CADC, DCEP is a Life Transition Strategist and Grief Specialist. She is also a Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, and talk show host on Transition Radio, on AM 1170 The Answer
Paula is the author of Chakras, the Magnificent Seven (2002), as well as the newly released Grief….When will this Pain Ever End? Finding Your Way our of the Depths of Despair after Profound Loss.
Let’s Listen to What Paula can teach us